Now Playing at BIOS Monthly

Now playing at Fuhe Theater

Now playing at Fuhe Theater (福和大戲院).

Recently my work on this blog was featured in an article by Nien Ping Yu (于念平) for the Chinese language web magazine BIOS Monthly. The article, loosely translated as Canadian Cultural Blogger: Even Unremarkable Places Have History (加拿大文化部落客: 再平凡的地方都有歷史), was based on a sprawling conversation we had in person rather than an email questionnaire. Mostly we spoke about themes and practices commonly seen on this blog: discovering history through the exploration of lost and neglected places, revealing intriguing connections through observations of synchronicity, and using photography as a documentarian medium rather than focusing solely on aesthetic appeal.

Several of my original photographs are featured in the article, some of which have already appeared on this blog (for example Fugang Old Street and Changhua Roundhouse) along with others yet to be published, mostly from the infamous Fuhe Grand Theater (福和大戲院) in Yonghe. Other adventures referenced in the text include Dàdōng Theater in Zhongli and the Liuzhangli Muslim Cemetery (六張犁的回教公墓) here in <a…

A Brief Interview About This Blog, 2015

Synapticism as featured on InterNations

My blog was recently featured on InterNations, an expat social network and resource. In the interview I outline why I chose Taiwan, why I started blogging, how life is different, and similar topics of general interest to would-be expats. Continue reading for the full text of the interview (but please keep in mind this is not an endorsement of InterNations, where I am not even an active member)…